
Stay ahead of competition with innovation


Innovation is for everyone, start your journey now.

Collect ideas from anyone, at any time, anywhere


Learn Something New

Hackathon 2.0 - Stop the Innovation Theatre

The world is changing faster than ever, but it probably will never change this slowly again. This means that organizations around the world need to.

Master Ideation With This Checklist

The creative process is rarely linear. With this checklist, you can add a little bit of structure to the creative chaos in order to turn creativity into value.

Do you have an Artifical Intelligence Strategy - or are you JUST pretending TO?

Not long ago, one of my clients told me that he badly needed, "Artifical Intelligence for Dummies". It was an interesting comment.


Let's Get Started

Where are we now?

Identify your organization's strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities for innovation with InnoSurvey.

Where are we going?

Identify and select what Stratefic Initiatived to explore based on your strengths and capabilities.

How do we get there?

Turn strategy into action by designing an organization, governance model, and process to set yourself up for success with innovation.

Let's do this!

Coaching and education on how to work with idea collection, selection, hypotheses, and experiments to create a competitive innovation portfolio.


From idea to reality in X hours

Our Sunday Letters

In our Sunday letters we will give you tips and tricks about different aspects of innovation updates from the flobal community inspiration and hopefully spur motivation for the week to come. Happy reading!